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Innlandet SVs nettverk

Innlandet SV

Innlandet SVs nettverk

Meld din interesse for å delta i eller motta informasjon fra Innlandet SVs nettverk. Les mer om nettverkene her: innlandet.sv.no/nettverk

Hvilket tema er du engasjert i?

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Her kan du gi andre tilbakemeldinger eller utfyllende info

Choose how to sign

Sign using the name and e-mail address of the respondent, i.e. yourself or if you are submitting responses on behalf of someone else.

The survey will be submitted anonymously. Unless you have included personal information in the responses, the organization will not be able to trace the responses to you.

Accept the terms

When you submit this survey, the information you provide will be stored and processed in Zetkin by Innlandet SV in order to organize activism and in accordance with the Zetkin privacy policy.

Click to read the full Zetkin Privacy Policy